According to the US Centers for Disease Control, approximately 1 out of every 20 hospitalized patients will contract Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Sometimes referred to as nosocomial infections, they are diseases that patients, from the newborn to the elderly, acquire during the course of receiving healthcare treatment for other conditions. They can be devastating and even deadly. In the US alone, these hospital-acquired infections contribute to nearly 100,000 deaths every year. Their overall annual direct medical cost to U.S. hospitals ranges from $28.4 to $45 billion.

To help address this dramatic concern with one piece of the puzzle, The Triana Group has started to work with an overseas market leader, Advance Medical. Advance Medical’s software, Advance Sterilization, is an “ERP for Central Sterile Departments” where surgical instruments are processed i.e. cleaned, repaired, assembled, sterilized, etc.

We have started to bring this innovative cloud-based software to US hospitals and help sterile unit technicians implement best practices efficiently and effectively. And we are proud to announce that we have recently installed the first North-American reference-site hospital, located in the New York area.

We look forward to bringing this to the 5,800 registered hospitals around the Nation who will want it, helping them manage 250–300 surgical tools per procedure over the 51,000,000 annual procedures in the US.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to know more.
